
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Questions in relation to the procedures for making various changes (Change of customer name, etc.)

Q; I want to change the name of the user of the water service.

A; In the case where the new user will inherit the same rights and liabilities under the contract as the previous use, we will accept the application and carry out the necessary procedures to change the name of the user. If the new user does not inherit all of the same rights and liabilities under the contract, you will have to end the existing contract, complete all payments, and then we will accept a new application to start service. In either case, you should contact the Customer Service Center first.

For contact details of the Customer Service Center see here.

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Q; I would like to change the address (billing address) that my bill (notice of payment) is sent to.

A; If you want to change the address (billing address) that your bill is sent to, you should contact the Customer Service Center.

For contact details of the Customer Service Center see here.

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